If you have any feedback on how we can make our new website better please do contact us. We would like to hear from you.

 Birthday Parties

Rooms that seat 12 people...$30.00*

Rooms that seat 22 people...$40.00*

Reservation required

*=+admission price for afternoon weekend sessions is $8.50 each person skating, minimum of 10 for small or large rooms
admission for evening weekend session is $10.00 per person skating, minimum of 10.

Regular rental skates are included in the admission price with a room

Snack bar tables require no reservation and admission is at regular price, unless there are 10 or more skaters, then there is $1 off admission price per skater.

You are welcome to bring in any food or drink other than chips or popcorn. We have freezer space for ice cream and we have ice for your drinks. 

Please bring a list of those you have invited and are paying for. We will check them off at the ticket window when they arrive and will have an invoice ready for you anytime after the midpoint of the session.

We follow a schedule during session with a game every 30 minutes.  If you do cake and presents right after a game, you have the best chance of not getting interrupted by another game.  We will be more than happy to announce when you are doing food and or presents so you can get everyone together easier.

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